Thursday, April 15, 2010

Passion of Understanding

There are very few people on this earth who can read minds. For those of us who can't, we have to try to understand the mind of the ones around you. Though you try so hard to figure out what the believe and think you can't just know. it's better to not read into what people said. The ones who really care about you will tell you the truth or at least what they believe at the time. Just make sure you surround yourself with people who care. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Passion of Belief

No matter what one believes, the fact that one truely and entirely believes on certain idea is special. It's even harder to believe in something that can't be proven. For me, a future scientist, it's really hard to believe something that I can't prove on paper or through testing. I envy people who have a strong sense of trust and confidence in something so vague. They are some of my inspiration.
There is also belief in what others tell you. For this, one needs a butt load of trust. I am seriously lacking this.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Passion of Choice

Being born in this country gives every individual the ability to choose. We get to make our own decisions. Decide our own futures. Never take this for granted. Listen to others but decide from your heart. You have control over what you do. Not anyone else. Understand that. Use that. Control your own future.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Passion of Nature

Mother Nature doesnt care who you are, or what you did. Nature is indifferent to humans. It grows when it wants, it fights when it wants. We have no control over it. And never will we. We need to learn to enjoy nature at its prettiest and fear it at its worse. We are nothing without it. So enjoy the sunshine or rain today. Carpe Diem.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Passion Of Friendship

Friends are the wood in the fire that keep it burning. Without them, there is little hope of a fire surviving through rough times. Friends create warmth in one's heart, allow smiles to emerge, and create memories that are burned into your mind forever. They are the comfort needed during hard times and the happiness needed during sad times. They always have your back, no matter what happens. Passion can't exist without a foundation to lean on. Friendship helps one feel safe enough to pursue the more dangerous passions in life.

Passion of Love

To experience the passions of love, is something that everyone in the world should be able to feel. The array of emotions that comes with this feeling is so vast, that one discovers a new emotion that has never been felt, each and everyday. One cares about someone or something so much that you would do anything to keep that person happy, strong, and safe. Love is one of the strongest bonds that exist in this universe. Not even death can withstand love. I wish upon everything on this earth, that the passion of love is felt by everything that can feel it.